Three offset prints on heavy cardboard showing Raymond Barre, Jacques Chirac and Jean-Marie Le Pen, three candidates for the 1988 French presidential elections, naked. Each image measures 23 x 30 cm, set on a 30 x 35 cm board. Original airbrush drawings by Laurent Melki, the celebrated French illustrator, known for his horror movie posters.

« Charles de Gaulles bellydancing »
Circa 1962, vintage photomontage on silver gelatin print, 9 x 12,5 cm.
The Algerian War of Independence (1954 to 1962), between France and the Front de Libération Nationale, or FLN, led to Algeria gaining independence from France. Following major demonstrations in Algiers and other cities in favor of independence, and a United Nations resolution recognizing Algeria’s right to independence, De Gaulle agreed to open a series of negotiations with the FLN. These concluded with the signing of the Evian Accords in March 1962.
Général de Gaulle, accused by some French people of consorting with the enemy, is pictured here doing a belly dance for the Algerian people.

« Youth for Reagan »
An interesting and unusual campaign flyer with a photo of the head of the U.S. presidential candidate Ronald Reagan superimposed on the torso of a bodybuilder. In the image, Reagan is wearing a red, white and blue patriotic bathing suit. The one-sided flyer, headed “Youth For Reagan,” measures 21 x 28 cm.

5 satirical américan fake dollar
Five satirical fake American dollars, each measuring 15 x 7 cm.
Obama as a “snake oil” salesman: $0 bill.
The “Drained States of America”: $666 bill.
Osama Bin Laden the “Camel Dung Coward” and Saddam Hussein the “Rat Bastard”: $25,000,000 bill.
John Kerry “Flip and Flop”: 98 cents bill.
“The Nato States of America”: $11 bill.

Les français sont des veaux!
Top of a “Vache qui Rit” (Laughing Cow) cheese box with a cut out that reveals a portrait of Charles de Gaulle. Circa 1940, diameter: 11 cm.
This satirical intervention on the famous French soft-cheese box, creator unknown, makes fun of the well-known De Gaulle quote: “Les français sont des veaux.”
In 1940, while Pétain was signing an armistice with the Germans, De Gaulle, in London at the time, said: “Les français sont des veaux. Ils sont bons pour le massacre. Ils n’ont que ce qu’ils méritent.” (The French are young bulls, ready for slaughter. They’re only getting what they deserve.)

Gina Lollobrigida and General Perón
Photomontage on sepia gelatin photo paper and stickers with the names of the protagonists, measuring 12 x 10,5 cm.
The actress Gina Lollobrigida visited Argentina on Nov. 28, 1954. The president, General Juan Domingo Perón, invited her for a walk. A photographer supposedly took a picture of the group using a special magnesium flash and an infrared film. This technique would have made it possible to see through the nylon of Lollobrigida’s garment, so only the belt and footwear remain visible. In the photograph, we can see, by coincidence, that General Perón’s zipper is wide open. This photograph and the story that accompanied it, were issued by the Anti-Perón movement.

Satirical toy representing Staline holding Hitler by the back
Satirical toy representing Stalin standing behind Hitler. A system using a spring can push Stalin into Hitler, creating an impression of sodomy. Hand-painted Bakelite and spring, 7 x 5 cm, circa 1945.

3 pictures of kids acting like dictators
Three pictures of children posing as dictators (wearing Hitler and Mussolini masks). Vintage medium-format negatives, dated 1939. Posterior silver-gelatin prints, 11 x 18 cm.

The Ron and Nancy
The Ron and Nancy 1984 Calendar Photo by Alfred Gesgheidt, 35,5 x 30,5 cm. Published by Pomegranate Art Books in 1983. The calendar contains twelve satirical photomontages of Ronald and Nancy Reagan. The cover reads “Budget Cut” and displays an official White House portrait, in which both members of the couple are bald.